We, autoprio.com, have an easy and safe online booking of rental cars. Rent a car in/at Nógrád’s communities, airports (e.g. -), travel centers and train stations. Book online and collect your car where ever you want, pick it up at the company’s local office or at the airport.
No hidden fees and free cancellations/amendments up to 24-48 hours before you are supposed to pick up the car. Compare and find good prices from several companies in the country. Choose and compare large companies as well as small ones. Safe encrypted payment. Compares rental car prices and car rental from several companies in all destinations in the whole of Nógrád in Hungary, and finds the best prices on rental cars. We compare for example these companies in the province: Thrifty, National, Schiller, Enterprise, United, Regina, Klass Wagen, U-Save, Auto Rent, Alamo, Buchbinder, Fox Autorent, Global, GM – GAME, Budget, Europcar, Keddy By Europcar, Megadrive, Autonom, Flizzr, Avis, Sixt, Hertz, Ber Elek.
Facts about Nógrád. It is a province located in the country of Hungary and has approximately 213,000 inhabitants. Nógrád is the 20th largest region when it comes to its inhabitants. The area is an administrative partition on the country of Hungary such as region/county/province or state. Other names for this area can be Nógrád megye, Nograd County. Looking at exotic animals? Aquarium, tropical houses, zoos, tropicarium, animal parks and terrarium are for example Wildlife park, Somoskő Wildlife park, Nyírjesi Füvészkert és Wildlife park, Állatsimogató, Hatvani Wildlife park, Élővad bemutató kert, Állatfarm Lókút, Gyöngyösi állatkert, Mini zoo, Mátyus Udvarház és Lovastanya, Háziszárnyasok, Zay Ló tanya and Mini ZOO. See ancient monuments and older buildings? Exciting antiquities, cultural heritage, ancient relics and older buildings that could be worth seeing are, Ágasvár bronzkori Castle, Ördög árok Csörsz Árok római sánc IV sz, Kismaerika Barlanglakások, Jásztelek Várdomb, Somvár Nincsenek látható maradványok, Földvár, Latorvár, Tatár domb and Burgus Cirpi 2 Roman Burgus Leanyfálu.
The highest mountains in Nógrád are Málna-hegy (784 m / 2,572 ft), Ágasvár (742 m / 2,434 ft), Kámor (655 m / 2,149 ft), Nagy-Mána (629 m / 2,064 ft), Karancs (720 m / 2,362 ft), Homorú-tető (612 m / 2,008 ft), Kőember (607 m / 1,991 ft), Szilvás-kő (598 m / 1,962 ft) and Purga (571 m / 1,873 ft). It consists of Balassagyarmati Járás, Bátonyterenyei Járás, Pásztói Járás, Rétsági Járás, Salgótarjáni Járás and Szécsényi Járás municipalities/counties/provinces and the largest are six. Mestské kúpalisko, Oxigén Adrenalin Park, Madarak a Medves vidékén, Egerszalók Gyógy és Wellnessfürdő, Termáltó Demjén, Thermal Bath Bükkszék, Plážové kúpalisko Tornaľa, Novolandia, Nosztalgia Spa, Aquatermal Strehová, Miocén erdő, Madárbarát kert, Somoskő Magyar bányai Kőpark, Cascade Barlangfürdő, Termalne bazény and Madarak a kertben are water parks, amusement parks, or theme parks. Looking for activities and experiences with the kids? You can read more data and facts about Nógrád in the different sections about the cities. Use the search box to find the pickup place you want. Are you looking for more things to do on your vacation? You will find information under the cities.
Hungarian Golf Club Kisoroszi, Academy Golf Budapest, Gray Bear Golf Club Tále, Kincsem Lovaspark golfpálya and Golf & Country Club Hron Tri Duby are golf courses located close to the province. Do you want to play some golf or are planning a golf trip? Are you planning a wine tour and tasting in Nógrád? Some of the vineyards and wine producers located in the province are, for example, Józsa Vineyard, Nagy pince, Miskolci Italker, Csaba vezér pince, Hamvas Winery, Szent Ferenc pince, Homonyik pince, Bolyki völgy, Lukácsy Pince, Két Szabó Pince és Fogadó, Haller pince, Csúzi Családi Winery, Víno Levice, Igazmondó Pince, Pincesor, Szőke Mátyás Winery, Pesti pince, Agro Movino, HedoNick Pince, Hadobás Pince, Rom pince and Kult Pince Cimbora Borház. Salgótarján (c. 39,600 pop), Balassagyarmat (c. 17,500 pop), Bátonyterenye (c. 14,200 pop), Pásztó (c. 10,100 pop), Szécsény (c. 6,400 pop), Érsekvadkert (c. 3,800 pop), Rétság (c. 3,000 pop) and Karancslapujtő (c. 2,800 pop) are the largest communities in the province. A day for relaxing and sunbathing on the beach at Nagymarosi szabadstrand, Postás strand, Szigetcsúcs (Szentendrei Szigetcsúcs), Verőce szabadstrand, Salgótarján Városi Strandfürdő, Lupa Öböl, D Beach Domonyvölgyi strand, Muhi strand, Óbudai szigetcsúcs zátony, Beach, Pilismarót Dunapart, Mályi szabadstrand, Horányi strand, Gödi strand, Balassagyarmati strand, Balassagyarmati strandfürdő and Lupa Beach. They are all close to the province.
Destinations in Nógrád
Rent a car in cities in the region: Car Hire Salgótarján. Comparison of rental car prices and car hire from several businesses in Nógrád. Rent a car in airports in the region: -. We have an easy and safe booking system of rental cars online in Nógrád. Compare car hire and cheap van rental in airports nearby: Car Hire Budapest Ferenc Liszt Airport, Car Rental Poprad-Tatry Airport and Rent a Car Miskolc Airport.
Car rental companies we compare in the region of Nógrád, Hungary
Megadrive, Keddy By Europcar, Alamo, Regina, Thrifty, GM - GAME, National, Autonom, Europcar, Enterprise, Flizzr, Budget, Klass Wagen, Ber Elek, Sixt, Buchbinder, Schiller, Fox Autorent, U-Save, Auto Rent, Avis, Hertz, Global and United are some of the companies that we compare in the region.