Prices from large companies as well as small ones in Palu

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Car Rental & Rent a Car Deals in Palu

Compare prices on rental cars in the city Palu, province Central Sulawesi, Indonesia with online booking. Through our search engine, you can book a rental car in 3 simple steps. Cars rented from us are free from surprises when you pick up the car. All our prices include airport fees, free mileage and necessary insurances, local taxes and fees etc. Let help you find a car rental online.

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Rent a Car Cheap in Palu - Compare car rental prices before you book!

Comparison of rental car and car rental from several businesses in the city Palu, Indonesia. Find the best prices for rental cars online. Comparing prices online can be very profitable, many smaller companies can only be booked on site.

When you are looking for rental cars we compare these companies; Trac on Jl Dewi Sartika no 135 Kel Petobo Petobo, all with offices on site or in Central Sulawesi. Rental cars are available at Palu’s travel centre, train stations and airports like Palu Masovu Mutiara SIS Al-Jufrie Airport 4 km (3 mi), PLW. A car rental service where every cost is included, no hidden fees and free cancellations/amendments up to 24-48 hours before you pick up the car. Easy and safe online booking of rental cars. Search for a city, airport etc. and choose a pick up place.

More about Palu

About the city Palu (Paloe, Kota Palu, Kabupaten Poso), located in the Central Sulawesi part, Central Sulawesi province, Indonesia. It is the county seat in the region. 1th largest town/city when it comes to inhabitants in the region and the 35th largest town/district in Indonesia. – are larger neighboring communities and cities. Small villages, communities and suburbs nearby are Lolu, Ujuna, Nunu and Boyaoge. Located about 9 m (30 ft) above sea level. Read more about what the city has to offer when it comes to experiences and which companies are located in Central Sulawesi and the country. The population of the city is about 282,400 in 2018. Bus stations and bus stops in the city are Terminal Petobo, Terminal Manonda and Bus Terminal. Get some tips on local companies in Central Sulawesi.

Attractions, Sights and Activities

Tips and recommendations in Palu on activities, museums, experiences, attractions, places, events and destinations you can visit during your trip. Shopping at a mall? Maybe at Bursa Computer and Mall Tatura! Millenium Water Boom are theme parks, water parks or amusement parks located near Palu. Looking for experiences and activities for the whole family? Lapangan Vatulemo Palu Park Kota, Park Lasoso and Park Gedung Juang are located in the city if you want to experience beautiful and interesting parks and gardens.

Compare car hire and cheap van rental in airports nearby

Compare car hire and cheap van rental in airports nearby: Rent a Car Cheap Mutiara SIS Al-Jufrie Airport and Cheap car rental Kasiguncu Airport. Comparison of rental cars and car hires from several businesses in Palu.

Car rental companies in Palu, Indonesia

To find the best price we compare following companies Avis, Hawk, Europcar, TRAC Astra and Eazy Rent in Palu. You can usually find the largest selection at airports such as Mutiara SIS Al-Jufrie Airport. The large companies usually have offices adjacent to the airport.

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