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Car Rental & Rent a Car Deals in Coronel

Here you can compare prices on rental cars in the town of Coronel, region Biobío, Chile. When you rent a car from us, there are no surprises awaiting you when you pick up the car on your arrival. Prices include any airport fees, free mileage and obligatory insurances, taxes and fees etc. can help you find cheap rental cars online.

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Rent a Car Cheap in Coronel - Compare car rental prices before you book!

Compare rental cars and renting of a vehicle from several companies in the town, Coronel in Chile. We compare large companies as well as small and find the best price for all types of cars.

We have an easy and safe online booking of rental cars. Car rental where every cost is included, no hidden fees and free cancellations/amendments up to 24-48 hours before you are supposed to pick up the car. Search and choose destination, search for country, city etc. and choose from the list. Rental cars at Coronel’s train stations (Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez, La Leonera, Hito Galvarino, Cristo Redentor, Laguna Quiñenco, Coronel and Huinca) travel center and airports like Talcahuano Carriel Sur Concepción Airport 30 km (19 mi) and María Dolores Los Ángeles Airport 75 km (47 mi) and ports and ferry terminals that are close by are Port of Coronel, Coronel. We compare these companies in this city or in; Biobío, Dollar, Avis, Keddy By Europcar, Advantage, Hertz, Europcar, Alamo, InterRent, Enterprise, Budget, Thrifty, National, Sixt.

Facts about Coronel

Coronel is a town in the municipality, Provincia de Concepción, Biobío region, Chile. 4th largest city/town when it comes to inhabitants in the region and the 29th largest district/town in Chile. The city is located about 11 meters (36 ft) above sea level. Read more about what the town has to offer when it comes to experiences and which companies are located in Provincia de Concepción and the country. With a population of around 92,900 people in 2018. Smaller communities, villages and suburbs nearby are Yumbel, Puchoco and El Maule. Talcahuano (c. 253,000 pop), Concepción (c. 215,400 pop), Chiguayante (c. 82,500 pop) and Lota (c. 49,800 pop) are larger neighboring communities and cities. Estación de Buses Expreso 2000, Terminal de buses Vía Futuro, Terminal de buses Chiguayante Sur, Terminal de buses Expresos Chiguayante, Paradero Chillancito, Terminal de buses Las Galaxias, Estación de Buses Translota and Estación de Buses Nueva Takora are bus stations and stops nearby. Learn more about which companies are located in the country.

Activities, Sights and Attractions

Tips and recommendations in Coronel on activities, museums, experiences, attractions, places, events and destinations you can visit during your trip. Get an overview of the whole city at Casa de la cultura ex bar minero, Bahia Lota and Bahía Colcura which are located within walking distance from the town center. Fascinating and fine plantings, green areas and parks that are located in the town are Área verde Toscas Toltén, Área verde Toscas Pitrufquén and Área verde Toscas Vilcún. Make a visit to these historical ruins and places, Theater Enrique Molina Garmendia, Fuerte Mirador Hualqui, Antiguos gimnasios Liceo Enrique Molina, Edificios Ex SEREMI de Educación abandonado and Fort of Colcura. Swimming and sun bathing on the beach? You can do that on Playa Blanca. Take a trip with your car and make a visit!

Nearby destinations, Coronel

Compare car hire and cheap van rental in airports nearby: Cheapest Rental Cars Talcahuano Carriel Sur Airport and Rental Cars Chillán Airport. Prices include any airport fees, free mileage and obligatory insurances, taxes and fees etc in Coronel. Rent a car in cities in the region: Hire a Car Cheap Talcahuano, Hire a Car Concepción, Rental Cars Los Ángeles, Chiguayante and Lota.

Car rental companies in Coronel, Chile

Avis, Hertz, Europcar, Budget, Sixt, Thrifty, National, Enterprise, Alamo, Dollar, Keddy By Europcar, InterRent, Advantage, Localiza, Ocarrol, Rosselot, Koyer, OClock, Chilean and Chilecar are the companies we compare in the city and in the region to find the best price. You can usually find the largest selection at airports such as Talcahuano Carriel Sur Airport. The large companies usually have offices adjacent to the airport.

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