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Car Rental & Rent a Car Deals in Ezine

Here you can compare prices on rental cars in the town Ezine, province Canakkale, Turkey. Find and book a rental car the easy way. When you rent a car from us, there are no surprises when you pick up the car on your arrival. All our prices include free mileage, airport fees, road assistance and obligatory insurances, taxes and fees. can help you find a cheap car rental and car hire.

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Rent a Car Cheap in Ezine - Compare car rental prices before you book!

Comparison of rental car prices and car rental from several businesses in the town Ezine in Turkey. Find the best prices for rental cars. It always pays off to compare before you book, in some smaller communities local companies can have very competitive prices.

Rental cars are available at Ezine’s travel centre, train stations and airports like Çanakkale Airport 40 km (25 mi), Gökçeada Airport 60 km (37 mi) and Balıkesir Koca Seyit Edremit Körfez Airport 63 km (39 mi). A car rental service where every cost is included, no hidden fees and free cancellations/amendments up to 24-48 hours before you pick up the car. Easy and safe online booking of rental cars. Search for a city, airport etc. and choose a pick up place.

More about Ezine

Ezine is located in the municipality Canakkale, Canakkale province, Turkey and is a town. It is the central city in the area. It is the 5th largest town/city when it comes to inhabitants in the region and the 383th largest city/district in Turkey. Larger neighboring cities/communities are Çanakkale (c. 87,800 pop), Aivali (c. 70,000 pop), Edremit (c. 40,800 pop), Burhaniye (c. 38,100 pop), Çan (c. 26,200 pop) and Gelibolu (c. 25,200 pop). Regardless of how long you are staying the town there are things to experience and do. Located about 49 m (161 ft) above sea level. About 15,700 (2018) people live in the town. Altınoluk, Ayvacık, Eceabat, Geyikli, Tenedos, Assos, Balıklı, Marmat, Marmat and Çınarköy are small villages, suburbs and communities nearby. We also give tips on which companies offer rental cars in Canakkale.

Activities, Sights and Attractions

Are you staying for a long time in Ezine? Some suggestions and tips on museums, activities, events, attractions, experiences, destinations and places that are worth a visit during your trip to the town. Want to experience historical remains? Exciting antiquities, cultural heritage, ancient relics and older buildings that could be worth seeing are, Neandreia, Thermae, Nymphaeum, Çataltepe and Hanaytepe.

Nearby destinations, Ezine

Compare car hire and cheap van rental in airports nearby: Car Rental Çanakkale Airport, Car Rental Balıkesir Koca Seyit Airport, Cheap Hire Cars Mytilene Airport and Lemnos Airport. Search for car rental and cheap car hire in nearby cities: Cheapest Hire Cars Çanakkale, Rent a Car Aivali, Compare Car Hire Edremit, Burhaniye and Çan. We have an easy and safe booking system of rental cars online in Ezine. Rent a car in cities in the region: Rent a Car Çanakkale, Rental Cars Biga, Car Hire Çan and Gelibolu.

Car rental companies in Ezine, Turkey

Avis, Hertz, Europcar, Budget, Sixt and Thrifty are the companies we compare near Ezine to find the best price. You can usually find the largest selection at airports such as Çanakkale Airport, Balıkesir Koca Seyit Airport, Mytilene Airport and Lemnos Airport. The large companies usually have offices adjacent to the airport.

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