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Car Rental & Rent a Car Deals in Urla

Here you can compare prices on rental cars in the town Urla, province İzmir, Turkey. Find and book a rental car the easy way. When you rent a car from us, there are no surprises when you pick up the car on your arrival. All our prices include free mileage, airport fees, road assistance and obligatory insurances, taxes and fees. can help you find a cheap car rental and car hire.

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Rent a Car Cheap in Urla - Compare car rental prices before you book!

Comparison of rental car prices and car rental from several businesses in the town Urla in Turkey. Find the best prices for rental cars. It always pays off to compare before you book, in some smaller communities local companies can have very competitive prices.

Rental cars at Urla’s train stations, travel center and airports like Çiğli Air Base 30 km (19 mi) and Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport 34 km (21 mi). We have an easy and safe booking system of rental cars online. Search and choose your destination, search for country, city etc. and choose from the list. A car rental service where every cost is included, no hidden fees and free cancellations/amendments up to 24-48 hours before you are supposed to pick up the car.

Information about Urla

Urla (Vourlah Skala) is located in the municipality İzmir, İzmir province, Turkey and is a town. It is the central city in the area. It is the 8th largest town/city when it comes to inhabitants in the region and the 190th largest city/district in Turkey. Izmir (c. 2,500,600 pop), Karabağlar (c. 458,000 pop), Magnesia ad Sipylum (c. 244,000 pop), Menemen (c. 53,500 pop) and Torbalı (c. 50,300 pop) are larger neighboring communities and cities. The community/city is located about 67 MASL (220 ft). Read more about what the town has to offer when it comes to experiences and which companies are located in İzmir and the country. With a population of 45,200 (2018) within its administrative limits. Small villages, communities and suburbs nearby are Özdere, Yenifoça, Alacati, Karaburun, Kuşçular, Ovacık and Kalabak. Zeytinalanı, Seferihisar and Güzelbahçe are stops and bus stations in the city. Find out more about the car rental companies in İzmir.

Sights, Activities and Attractions

Tips and recommendations in Urla on activities, museums, experiences, attractions, places, events and destinations you can visit during your trip. Do you want to do some shopping? The large malls in the city are e.g. Kipa. Museums and art galleries in Urla that could be interesting are Necati Cumalı museum. See local tombs and graves? Keen on seeing ancient relics, older buildings, antiquities and cultural heritage? These places are near, Klazomenai, Teos, Limantepe, Teos Akropol, Teos Theater, Teos Bouleterion and Klazomenai Akropolis. Looking for historical relics and experiences?

Make a visit to these historical ruins and places, Erythrae and Tarihi Roma termal su hamamı. Sigacik Castle are new and old castles that we recommend a visit to and are located in Urla. Visit the towns beautiful and old strongholds, fortresses and forts like, Saint James Castle. To see the whole Urla from an observation point, make a visit to 370m. Parks, green areas and plantings worth visiting for recreation and relaxing are Yildız park, Urla Meydan Park, Özgürcan Gözmen Park and 12 Eylül Spor Salonu Çardak. Do you need a car for a golf trip? Golf courses close to the community are Mini Golf Sahası 11 km (7 mi).

Nearby destinations, Urla

Compare car hire and cheap van rental in airports nearby: Rent a Car Cheap Izmir Airport, Cheap car rental Chios Island Airport, Car Hire Samos Airport, Ikaria Island Airport and Mytilene Airport. Rent a car in cities in the region: Cheap rental cars Izmir, Cheap Van Rental Karabağlar, Cheapest Car Hire Ödemiş, Bergama and Menemen.

Car rental companies in Urla, Turkey

To find the best price we compare following companies Avis, Hertz, Europcar, Budget, Sixt, Thrifty, National, Enterprise, Alamo, InterRent, Payless, Green Motion, Surprice, Goldcar, Rhodium, Global, Hawk, Right Cars, Oscar and Sun Rent A Car in Urla. You can usually find the largest selection at airports such as Izmir Airport, Samos Airport, Mytilene Airport, Chios Island Airport and Ikaria Island Airport. The large companies usually have offices adjacent to the airport.

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